[Disclaimer: The following is not a substitute for chronic or immediate issues requiring expert medical intervention. Consult a professional healthcare advisor if you are uncertain about if, when, or how you should use these techniques.
Additionally, if actively practicing what's listed below as well as in general, it's highly recommended to hydrate regularly with clean water and to rest frequently as quicker and subtler flows of energy begin to develop and become utilized.
So be it and so it is]
It is the nature of all things to vibrate. This is the prime impulse, or the originating force.
It's when these forces take on standing structures, patterns, and concepts that we have the building blocks of creation.
Or in Eastern terms: Yang (Impulse) which opens the path for Yin, one's sensuality and sense of presence; the "AM" of "I Am".
Or Yin (Cognition) which allows for vibrational forces to coalesce into physicality, or directed motions and crystallized intents; the "I" of "I Am".
It's the interplay, the dynamism between each portion and each whole that allows for a continuum of experience and creation, or Love and Light.
Thus, it is through this I AM!
Bio-electricity, Mana, Qi, Alchemy, Pneuma, Prana, Aura, Chakra, Breath, Ambition, Bending, Cosmos, The Force, The Triforce.
These are all ideological concepts and ways of expressing the true nature, purpose, and materialization of realities.
Connecting with them, experiencing and elevating them—having the accessibility and awareness of this is not just beneficial and true, but birth and divine right to all!
Those who repress, suppress, obscure, and re-possess such knowledge and understandings shall inevitably find themselves within such positions.
Like attracts like; experiences one evokes are experiences that may become invoked towards one's self.
To consciously and/or actively build, magnify, and utilize one's energies is precisely what it means to cultivate; to charge, initiate, and resonate. To be present and alive, to prosper and thrive!
Though all derived from a shared source, the Absolute, the methods of practice for any or every process are myriad, endless, and ever-refining.
Broadly speaking, there are three categories or attributes one should keep in awareness when developing energies. They are:
Body - Physicality and material processes
Mind - Sensuality and mental processes
Spirit - Spirituality and cohesive processes
The Spirit is unique in that it can be sensed but not wholly touched or seen while in the physical. It cannot easily be accessed on its own, so it requires the body and mind to truly and fully function and process.
In Eastern meditation, energy is all and energy is one.
To elaborate, within the Qi-gong/Nei-Gong (Energy/Inner-Work) tradition is the idea that Qi comes in multiple forms, but all are just variations or alternate states of the same energy (Qi).
The Body's Qi is called Jing or Essence
The Mind's Qi is simply seen as the middle state and is typically just called Qi or Energy
The Spirit's Qi is called Shen or Spirit
There are other states Qi can take on in these traditions, but for foundational purposes, these three forms or states of energy are what one should develop an intimate familiarity with if one is an adept of any thought, craft or profession.
The reason why is that even if one isn't interested or willing to develop advanced or unique capabilities, one should be interested in learning to guard and stabilize their energies—otherwise one can become worn down by the shifts and flows of waking reality and their fellow humans, especially those who hold intents of disorder and disharmony.
With these three states of energy are three components or steps needed to develop each. They are:
Breath is breathing the energy directed (in either form or depth), sensed and empowered. Visualization allows it to take shape and depth through clarifying awareness. Actualization is then comprehension and imbuing those energies to Unify in resonating structures and rhythms, or Crystallize.
When Breathing, one should breathe without stress or tension, whether in body or mind. Additionally, one should breathe through their diaphragm or stomach so that the lungs and heart can more efficiently process and store oxygenated air.
It should be noted, however, that Breath is a state of being rather than solely a mechanical process. Thus, one can also think of Breath as Free-flows being pulled into one's Mind and Body continuously and potentially constantly.
For Visualization, one can imagine light/photon particles, energy waves, ethereal vapor, astral flames, or oscillating electrons.
Typically, the color White is utilized, as White symbolizes Source, Purity, and Totality. Other colors, such as Pink for Healing and Unconditional Love, Violet for Purification and Crystallization (Manifestation), and Gold for Prosperity and Restoration (Exaltation), are also capable of being utilized, provided one understands their intended or associated concepts and attributes.
Visualization is integral because what's being visualized is actually occurring. Fields of energy are being redefined and heightened in manners that do initiate and sustain physical effects.
You are influencing, directing, and changing your bioelectricity and electro-magnetivity which does in turn influence and invoke phenomena seen and yet to be seen, but certainly felt and experienced.
Actualizing, or coalescing, into accelerated depths and dimensions is then a sort of overviewing and integrating process and property. One can "set" the energies they shaped to their mind, body, and soul for others, spaces, and even dimensions.
It is the nature of all things to change, however, whether microscopically and/or macroscopically, or instantaneously and/or prolongedly.
Whether or how to further build complexity, magnify its depth, or re-purpose its properties, energies and experiences is the question and purpose of the Aspirant/Adept/Alchemist/Cultivator/Magician/Meditator/Shaman/Spiritualist/Yogi/Light-Energy Worker/Healer/Warrior.
Because that which one actualizes or manifests can and will be altered and/or re-shaped, if not by others or groups, then by the environment, nature, and the cosmos as a whole. So can and will it to the whole as well.
Will you submit to the tidings and stagnation of the world as the divinity of your soul becomes shrouded and worn?
Or will you persist and radiate the drums of liberation and freedom, echoing and amplifying with each electrifying strike and beat?
Om Mani Padme Hum
On this Divine Throne, I take seat!
[Additional Resources]
Energy Amplifying and Accelerating Methods:
Mantra/Chant/Prayer - Vibrational emanations, propagation, and elevations that stimulate, infuse and set energies. These can be vocal or mental.
Mandala/Symbology/Imagery - Mental imageries, sensations, and symbolism meant to evoke wisdom, clarity, and compassion.
Mudra/Seals/Yoga - Hand and/or body positions and motions that invoke subtle energy flows and evoke synchronized and ever-refined manifestations.
Others: Reiki, Atvor Protocol, 13 Archrays, Manifestation Process, Qigong, Buddhic Column, Focused Meditation, etc.
Fundamental Energy Gathering Method:
Visualize white light-energy all around you. Sense and feel it as you're breathing it in through any or every pore and portion of your body so that it gathers, collects, and pools within one's inner roots and essence flows, or Dantian (Cinnabar/Vermillion Field).
To gather, stabilize, concentrate, and/or store this light, one can place their left and right palms (or vice versa for feminine grounding) over this area to breathe and imbue with energy and light. The physical action itself isn't necessarily required, but rather the recognition and acknowledgement that it's taking on this state at this moment.
Alternatively, one can simply imbue part or the whole of their body, mind, and or soul to increase their energy, health, and creativity levels and to then make an affirmation such that it continues to flow even if one is not consciously or actively gathering. Whether it's imbuing with health, inspiration, bliss, positivity, or light itself is up to the choice and discretion of the practitioner.
From there, one can decide when and how to place their focus and development towards one, multiple, various, or all forms and states of being.
So it is, and so it will be.
Rumination on Mind -
Properties: Rhythmic, Cyclical, Pattern-developing; the Mind's energies follow natural and directed patterns. Frequent practice and continued extrasensory development will assist in more smooth, full, and intricately resonating harmonization and patterns.
Processes: The Mind is the center stage of experience and moderation. Thus, it works best building and directing the energies of the Body and Spirit, as well as of itself. It's speeds and frequencies can rise and fall, but the Mind as a whole is always moving, even when still.
So it is and wills!
Ideologies of the Spirit -
The Spirit's purpose is various, while its changes are synchronous. When the Spirit moves, Mind and Body can only acquiesce!
The Spirit enjoys its tendencies and excels in establishing and maintaining connections. As a result, it can also easily become weighed down because its focus is being split too much or for too long. Because of this, it's important to maintain a Spirit wholly aligned with one's fundamental truths and crystallized intentions.
You may have noticed my words here have a certain tune, buoyancy, or levity. That's because mine Spirit feels it should be so, thus it must and shall be!
She can bound playfully through the Verdant Fields, blaze passionately in Rosy Infernos, and crave boundlessly in Ambrosia Lakes…
He can ponder constantly in Azure Springs, laugh freely in whipping Golden Winds, and breathe effortlessly in world-shaking Lapis Lazuli lightning!
They can mould Crystal Mountains limitlessly and churn Violet Seas endlessly.
Source-supreme and Cosmically-weaved
YES, I AM—Soul-freed.
Passions of the Body -
Essence is accumulation and resonation. It builds and amplifies!
Because it's a heavier form of energy, it's more difficult to move on its own. As a result, it functions brilliantly in aiding and establishing other energies, structures, and intents. The more Essence there is, the easier it becomes to invoke and maintain flows of Energy (Qi) and shifts of Spirit (Shen).
Sensations: Since Jing is the coalesced state of energy. It can take on any number of attributes; it can be gentle and fierce, gradual or swift, hot and cold, yes and no. Where there's Essence (Jing), there's Soul (Ling).
Basic Physical/Material Re-aligning Method:
Balancing or re-aligning bodily energies such as sores, pains, or heats can be done by visualizing energy infusing into that portion or space before becoming available on the physical by continuing to pull light through aura nodes, chakra channels, energy meridians, and/or blood vessels into and through the symptom until its effects are mitigated and deflected. Multiple colors can be simultaneously utilized as well to induce the desired effects. Eg. Visualizing bright gold streams and blue channels going opposing directions to magnify each color's intensity affect.
As a general rule, the conceptual or logical counter of whatever is being cleansed/healed is utilized and then imbued utilizing the Spirit, such that should the symptom re-manifest in the future, the Body and Mind will have greater familiarity and thus likelihood of resolving the symptom more quickly, smoothly and thoroughly.
As a general rule, the conceptual or logical counter of whatever is being cleansed/healed is utilized and then imbued utilizing the Spirit, such that should the symptom re-manifests in the future, the Body and Mind will have greater familiarity and thus likelihood of resolving the symptom more quickly, smoothly and thoroughly.
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