Friday, January 10, 2025

Conscious manners on Bio-electricity

[Disclaimer: The following is not a substitute for chronic or immediate issues requiring expert medical intervention. Consult a professional healthcare advisor if you are uncertain about if, when, or how you should use these techniques.

Additionally, if actively practicing what's listed below as well as in general, it's highly recommended to hydrate regularly with clean water and to rest frequently as quicker and subtler flows of energy begin to develop and become utilized.

So be it and so it is] It is the nature of all things to vibrate. This is the prime impulse, or the originating force. It's when these forces take on standing structures, patterns, and concepts that we have the building blocks of creation. Or in Eastern terms: Yang (Impulse) which opens the path for Yin, one's sensuality and sense of presence; the "AM" of "I Am". Or Yin (Cognition) which allows for vibrational forces to coalesce into physicality, or directed motions and crystallized intents; the "I" of "I Am". It's the interplay, the dynamism between each portion and each whole that allows for a continuum of experience and creation, or Love and Light. Thus, it is through this I AM! Bio-electricity, Mana, Qi, Alchemy, Pneuma, Prana, Aura, Chakra, Breath, Ambition, Bending, Cosmos, The Force, The Triforce. These are all ideological concepts and ways of expressing the true nature, purpose, and materialization of realities. Connecting with them, experiencing and elevating them—having the accessibility and awareness of this is not just beneficial and true, but birth and divine right to all! Those who repress, suppress, obscure, and re-possess such knowledge and understandings shall inevitably find themselves within such positions. Like attracts like; experiences one evokes are experiences that may become invoked towards one's self. To consciously and/or actively build, magnify, and utilize one's energies is precisely what it means to cultivate; to charge, initiate, and resonate. To be present and alive, to prosper and thrive! Though all derived from a shared source, the Absolute, the methods of practice for any or every process are myriad, endless, and ever-refining. Broadly speaking, there are three categories or attributes one should keep in awareness when developing energies. They are: Body - Physicality and material processes Mind - Sensuality and mental processes Spirit - Spirituality and cohesive processes The Spirit is unique in that it can be sensed but not wholly touched or seen while in the physical. It cannot easily be accessed on its own, so it requires the body and mind to truly and fully function and process. In Eastern meditation, energy is all and energy is one. To elaborate, within the Qi-gong/Nei-Gong (Energy/Inner-Work) tradition is the idea that Qi comes in multiple forms, but all are just variations or alternate states of the same energy (Qi). The Body's Qi is called Jing or Essence The Mind's Qi is simply seen as the middle state and is typically just called Qi or Energy The Spirit's Qi is called Shen or Spirit There are other states Qi can take on in these traditions, but for foundational purposes, these three forms or states of energy are what one should develop an intimate familiarity with if one is an adept of any thought, craft or profession. The reason why is that even if one isn't interested or willing to develop advanced or unique capabilities, one should be interested in learning to guard and stabilize their energies—otherwise one can become worn down by the shifts and flows of waking reality and their fellow humans, especially those who hold intents of disorder and disharmony. With these three states of energy are three components or steps needed to develop each. They are: Breath Visualization Actualization Breath is breathing the energy directed (in either form or depth), sensed and empowered. Visualization allows it to take shape and depth through clarifying awareness. Actualization is then comprehension and imbuing those energies to Unify in resonating structures and rhythms, or Crystallize. When Breathing, one should breathe without stress or tension, whether in body or mind. Additionally, one should breathe through their diaphragm or stomach so that the lungs and heart can more efficiently process and store oxygenated air. It should be noted, however, that Breath is a state of being rather than solely a mechanical process. Thus, one can also think of Breath as Free-flows being pulled into one's Mind and Body continuously and potentially constantly. For Visualization, one can imagine light/photon particles, energy waves, ethereal vapor, astral flames, or oscillating electrons. Typically, the color White is utilized, as White symbolizes Source, Purity, and Totality. Other colors, such as Pink for Healing and Unconditional Love, Violet for Purification and Crystallization (Manifestation), and Gold for Prosperity and Restoration (Exaltation), are also capable of being utilized, provided one understands their intended or associated concepts and attributes. Visualization is integral because what's being visualized is actually occurring. Fields of energy are being redefined and heightened in manners that do initiate and sustain physical effects. You are influencing, directing, and changing your bioelectricity and electro-magnetivity which does in turn influence and invoke phenomena seen and yet to be seen, but certainly felt and experienced. Actualizing, or coalescing, into accelerated depths and dimensions is then a sort of overviewing and integrating process and property. One can "set" the energies they shaped to their mind, body, and soul for others, spaces, and even dimensions. It is the nature of all things to change, however, whether microscopically and/or macroscopically, or instantaneously and/or prolongedly. Whether or how to further build complexity, magnify its depth, or re-purpose its properties, energies and experiences is the question and purpose of the Aspirant/Adept/Alchemist/Cultivator/Magician/Meditator/Shaman/Spiritualist/Yogi/Light-Energy Worker/Healer/Warrior. Because that which one actualizes or manifests can and will be altered and/or re-shaped, if not by others or groups, then by the environment, nature, and the cosmos as a whole. So can and will it to the whole as well. Will you submit to the tidings and stagnation of the world as the divinity of your soul becomes shrouded and worn? Or will you persist and radiate the drums of liberation and freedom, echoing and amplifying with each electrifying strike and beat? Om Mani Padme Hum On this Divine Throne, I take seat! [Additional Resources] Energy Amplifying and Accelerating Methods: Mantra/Chant/Prayer - Vibrational emanations, propagation, and elevations that stimulate, infuse and set energies. These can be vocal or mental. Mandala/Symbology/Imagery - Mental imageries, sensations, and symbolism meant to evoke wisdom, clarity, and compassion. Mudra/Seals/Yoga - Hand and/or body positions and motions that invoke subtle energy flows and evoke synchronized and ever-refined manifestations. Others: Reiki, Atvor Protocol, 13 Archrays, Manifestation Process, Qigong, Buddhic Column, Focused Meditation, etc.

Fundamental Energy Gathering Method: Visualize white light-energy all around you. Sense and feel it as you're breathing it in through any or every pore and portion of your body so that it gathers, collects, and pools within one's inner roots and essence flows, or Dantian (Cinnabar/Vermillion Field). To gather, stabilize, concentrate, and/or store this light, one can place their left and right palms (or vice versa for feminine grounding) over this area to breathe and imbue with energy and light. The physical action itself isn't necessarily required, but rather the recognition and acknowledgement that it's taking on this state at this moment. Alternatively, one can simply imbue part or the whole of their body, mind, and or soul to increase their energy, health, and creativity levels and to then make an affirmation such that it continues to flow even if one is not consciously or actively gathering. Whether it's imbuing with health, inspiration, bliss, positivity, or light itself is up to the choice and discretion of the practitioner. From there, one can decide when and how to place their focus and development towards one, multiple, various, or all forms and states of being. So it is, and so it will be.

---- Rumination on Mind - Properties: Rhythmic, Cyclical, Pattern-developing; the Mind's energies follow natural and directed patterns. Frequent practice and continued extrasensory development will assist in more smooth, full, and intricately resonating harmonization and patterns. Processes: The Mind is the center stage of experience and moderation. Thus, it works best building and directing the energies of the Body and Spirit, as well as of itself. It's speeds and frequencies can rise and fall, but the Mind as a whole is always moving, even when still.

So it is and wills!

Ideologies of the Spirit - The Spirit's purpose is various, while its changes are synchronous. When the Spirit moves, Mind and Body can only acquiesce! The Spirit enjoys its tendencies and excels in establishing and maintaining connections. As a result, it can also easily become weighed down because its focus is being split too much or for too long. Because of this, it's important to maintain a Spirit wholly aligned with one's fundamental truths and crystallized intentions. You may have noticed my words here have a certain tune, buoyancy, or levity. That's because mine Spirit feels it should be so, thus it must and shall be! She can bound playfully through the Verdant Fields, blaze passionately in Rosy Infernos, and crave boundlessly in Ambrosia Lakes… He can ponder constantly in Azure Springs, laugh freely in whipping Golden Winds, and breathe effortlessly in world-shaking Lapis Lazuli lightning! They can mould Crystal Mountains limitlessly and churn Violet Seas endlessly. Source-supreme and Cosmically-weaved YES, I AM—Soul-freed. Passions of the Body - Essence is accumulation and resonation. It builds and amplifies! Because it's a heavier form of energy, it's more difficult to move on its own. As a result, it functions brilliantly in aiding and establishing other energies, structures, and intents. The more Essence there is, the easier it becomes to invoke and maintain flows of Energy (Qi) and shifts of Spirit (Shen). Sensations: Since Jing is the coalesced state of energy. It can take on any number of attributes; it can be gentle and fierce, gradual or swift, hot and cold, yes and no. Where there's Essence (Jing), there's Soul (Ling). ---- Basic Physical/Material Re-aligning Method: Balancing or re-aligning bodily energies such as sores, pains, or heats can be done by visualizing energy infusing into that portion or space before becoming available on the physical by continuing to pull light through aura nodes, chakra channels, energy meridians, and/or blood vessels into and through the symptom until its effects are mitigated and deflected. Multiple colors can be simultaneously utilized as well to induce the desired effects. Eg. Visualizing bright gold streams and blue channels going opposing directions to magnify each color's intensity affect. As a general rule, the conceptual or logical counter of whatever is being cleansed/healed is utilized and then imbued utilizing the Spirit, such that should the symptom re-manifest in the future, the Body and Mind will have greater familiarity and thus likelihood of resolving the symptom more quickly, smoothly and thoroughly.

As a general rule, the conceptual or logical counter of whatever is being cleansed/healed is utilized and then imbued utilizing the Spirit, such that should the symptom re-manifests in the future, the Body and Mind will have greater familiarity and thus likelihood of resolving the symptom more quickly, smoothly and thoroughly.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Crystal tektite observations and understandings [Level 1]

These are the energy patterns or sensations I have found after meditating and visualizing with crystal stones/tektites.

I believe that even if you do not have stones, just visualizing the flow and sensations described here or elsewhere can help connect you to the stone's and/or star race's energies, amplifying your spiritual ascension.

I also highly encourage anyone with their own stones, especially those not yet listed here, to share their own perceptions and experiences with what they hold so there is more understanding and information explored.

Many of these stones can be found and brought through:

Stone energy observations and meditations:

ATVOR Crystal - Connects with Ashtar Command and (possibly) Aldebaran presence. Particles of light gravitating towards each other before spiraling tightly upwards and bursting in all direction, continuing the cycle.

•Meditation: ATVOR Meditation (See below).

Emerald - Connects with Agarthan presence. Clock-wise and counter-clockwise pentagonal rotations of universal love. Steadily, eternally unlocking mystic codes of mind, body, and soul—divine father/source, sacred daughter-son, holy mother/holy spirit.

•Meditation: Emerald Meditation:

Galactic Cintamani - Connects with the Cosmic Central Race. Pulsating charges of energy. Like waves which reaches inwards to draw out inner essence and purging impurities to empower and re-shaping the crystal of the soul.

•Meditation: Violet Flame, Protection Protocol, Dragon Meditation:

Lyran Tektite (Lyranite) - Connects with Lyrans of Vega and their creative energies. Undulating surges of dual-spiraling creative essence.

Moldavite - Connects with Pleiadian presence. Double toroidal spin of alternating flows, pulling in waves of vitalizing light and imbuing with energies of liquified cosmic love.

Rose Quartz - Connects with the Goddess presence. Emanations of a flowering petals. Spirals of energy reaching for the celestial energy bodies.

Sapphire - Protects against external opression and disruptions. Arcs of energy cycling out excess charge, repelling harsh energies, and accelerating inner movement.

Tibetan White Quartz - Used to connect with the I AM presence. Emanates a gravitic heaviness. Carries a feeling of quick movement through its lines and curves, steaming and suffusing with energies of intense purification.

Meditation: I Am Unification Meditation, Protection Protocol (White Fire of AN):


Updated Version of ATVOR Meditation:

1.) Close your eyes, watch your breath coming in and out.

2.) Visualize a pillar of sky-blue color light descending from the sky, going through your body to the center of the earth. Then visualize a second pillar of sky-blue light emanating from the center of the Earth, going through you and up to the sky. You are sitting now in two pillars of light going upwards and downwards, your body is completely embraced by that pillar of light. 

3.) Now repeat three times (internally or outloud): 

“I call upon the pillar of blue light, 

to descend upon me and to form around me. 

I call upon the presence of the I Am That I Am. 

I ask the presence of the I Am That I Am, 

to join and merge with me.” 

4.) Feel that presence of the pillar of the blue light in both directions. The one coming from the sky is coming from a mothership of the Ashtar Command which is emitting this pillar of light. When you breathe in, breathe into your heart and say silently “Ashtar Command”. And when you breathe out, send that energy to the mothership, breathe out into the mothership and just keep breathing like that. Repeat this a few more times. 

5.) Slowly you are becoming aware of your physical body, the floor under you, you are here and now, and when ready, you can open your eyes. 

This meditation is the reconnection with our true family, reconnecting home. The human masses need to reconnect again with our star brothers and sisters. We need to do small groups first before going globally. It is reactivating the grid of the planet. It is very important for the Event. It is the most important of the Ascension protocols, more powerful that the one given in Kyoto. It helps to connect with higher dimensions, and increase the connection for ourselves and for the planet. Precisely last week, these conditions started. 

It can trigger emotions and strong energies. We are here ready for this. It is a connection to higher dimensions and for protection. It will also help the planet. Practice at home, do it regularly.

Spiritual Context Part I: Regarding Earth's Sun… [Level 2]

One major facet often overlooked when it comes to sharing knowledge of spiritual undertakings is context, or primarily the lack of it.

For example, if I were to begin a post with: "Hi, welcome to this blog. Here is where all things relating to lightworker, light forces, and spiritual ascension through using mass meditation and visualization techniques to manifest our goals both individually and globally. So regarding Mister C's recent update about the leylines…"

Already in these three sentences, I have used a number of terms most individuals on the surface would be unfamiliar with but are implied to be aware of. Even some rather spiritual humans who are aware of this information may not fully grasp some of these things because they may have yet to actually delve into such the deeper depths of these discussions.

And I would not look down on either such people as this subject matter is vast, complex, and in truth, continuously evolving so that old information may not be relevant; or, information that was longer relevant suddenly became relevant and significant once more.

This is why I believe at the cusp of this societal and planetary transformation, fundamental and essential information should be fully and clearly described and even re-explored. So the transitional period for all on the surface of the planet can be as peaceful and harmonious as possible.

It is this writer's suggestion that any with the will and/or desire should share their own understanding of these informations as they may have essential insights of their own.

With all that being said, let's begin.

Our sun, the Earth's solar center, is about to go "boom" and certain persons in governmental and military positions who are aware of this are actively suppressing it from becoming public knowledge. A certain number of them are also intending to survive the expected fallout through self-sustainable underground bunkers.

Now for the context to this statement.

Our suns, like most stars, experiences a flip in its magnetic polarities every 11 or so years:

These each cycle is primarily divided into two stages:

Solar Minimum - The period where the sun experiences its lowest solar activity.

Solar Maximum - The period where the sun is at its highest solar activity.

"During times of heightened solar activity around solar maximum, a greater amount of energized particles can be emitted from the sun, through large expulsions of plasma and magnetic fields known as coronal mass ejections (CMEs), solar flares and increased solar wind. These energized particles can trigger geomagnetic storms, also known as solar storms — large disturbances in Earth's magnetosphere which, in turn, can lead to stronger aurora displays." 

…And disruptions in electromagnetic appliances (navigational systems, phones, computers), heliosphere protection, and human bio-electric activity, to name a few others.

Solar cycles are relatively quite known about in scientific circles. Less discussed are the "Great Years", also known as the "Precessions of the Equinoxes" which occur roughly every 25,000-26,000 years.

"The precession of the equinoxes refers to the observable phenomena of the rotation of the heavens, a cycle which spans a period of (approximately) 25,920 years, over which time the constellations appear to slowly rotate around the earth, taking turns at rising behind the rising sun on the vernal equinox.

This remarkable cycle is due to a synchronicity between the speed of the earth's rotation around the sun, and the speed of rotation of our galaxy."

Where our sun has an 11 year cycle where its polarities flip, the center of our Milky Way Galaxy too has a period of magnetic reversals it goes through roughly every 11,500 years—and we're due for the completion of one relatively soon. This will change the earth's magnetic field of activity such that its outside will move faster than its inside. The result becomes is known as "extinction-level" events.

To summarize:

•Our sun is set to have a CME which will coincide and be further heightened by the flip in our galaxies magnetic field

•This will ultimately cause the earth's inner and outer magnetic field to change, causing Carrington-events and displacing the Earth's crust from its mantle as the major continents start playing pinball.

•Certain persons will try to live it out in party bunkers where the vast majority of humanity won't be invited to join and those who are intended to be the "cattle".

Not to worry, however, help from a force much greater than any of us can imagine will make sure we all get through this safely.

Your next line will be: "Great, next you'll be telling me intelligent galactic life exists!" - Justice is Coming

Next time on Spiritual Context Series: [Spiritual Context Part II: The Prime, Alpha-Omega, and Beyond]

Monday, May 13, 2024

Bogota, Colombia Cobra Workshop Notes (May 5th-6th, 2024)

May 5th, 2024 Bogota Workshop Notes Disclaimer:

Disclaimer: The following is a typed out version of the handwritten notes the author made during Bogota Workshop in Bogota, Colombia. The author does not claim the accuracy of these notes to be 100% true. Please use your own inner discernment and critical thinking. Some images and graphs may not be identical to those seen at the conference. The content of the notes is NOT an exact match to what Cobra spoke about. There may be mishearing, handwriting errors, or omissions in the process. Questions regarding the contents and the specifics of this document will not be accepted.



C: Welcome, everybody. It is very good for me to be here because this country has a great potential, energetically speaking.

Before we start, there are a few technical announcements to make. Make sure you have signed the NDA. Please turn off your cell phones and switch them to airplane mode. No calls, recording, photography, or social media use is permitted in this room.

You may take notes if you wish, and you are welcome to share these notes with others, especially those who are awakened enough now.

C: Since we all came from various different environments energetically speaking, we will start this workshop by aligning our energy fields with a short meditation.

I would like to ask you to make yourself comfortable.

Breathe white light into your physical body and breathe out any toxins from it.

Then, Breathe white light in and radiate white light outwards in all directions when you breathe out. Do this from your physical body.

Repeat the above steps for your plasma, etheric, astral, emotional, and mental bodies. Finally, repeat the above steps for the totality of your being.

We begin to realize that I AM a being of Light. We confirm this fact by chanting the sacred mantra ‘OM’ three times together.

As a being of Light, we are connecting with other beings of Light in this group. Together we are creating one big being of Light. This group is a being of Light. WE ARE a being of light.

As we breathe in, you breathe in brilliant white light into this room. And as we breathe out, we radiate brilliant white light from this group in all directions.

And we breathe as One group and as One being. We breathe in Light and we breathe out Light.

WE ARE a being of Light. We confirm this fact by saying the sacred mantra ‘OM’ three times together.

As One being of Light, we are connecting with other beings of Light throughout the planet, and we are creating a planetary network of Light.

You can visual or feel or experience this planetary network of Light growing and expanding throughout the planet. Visualize all beings — couples, individuals, groups — connecting and expanding that planetary network of Light. Visualize all darkness disappearing, all wars ending, all suffering ending, until the whole planet is completely covered with the network of Light.

And this is the moment of the planetary liberation. We confirm this fact by chanting the sacred mantra ‘OM’ three times together.

You can now visualize our galaxy, the Milky Way, as a double spiral full of stars. Each of those stars is a point of Light in the Galactic network of Light.

And in the center of the galaxy, there is the Galactic Central Sun, that is sending rays of Light to all the stars in the galaxy. And all of the stars in the galaxy are also sending a ray of Light to the solar system and planet Earth.

This is a fulfillment of the old Galactic Prophecy when all darkness in the galaxy will disappear, and only the Light will remain. We keep visualizing all those stars sending rays of Light to planet Earth.

Now we visualize planet Earth being accepted as a point of Light in the Galactic network of Light.

This is the final liberation of the Earth..

This is the final Victory of the Light.

We confirm this fact by saying the sacred mantra ‘OM’ three times together.

Now we are becoming slowly aware of your physical body. We are becoming aware of your surroundings. We are becoming aware of the sounds around us. And when we are ready, we can open our eyes.

Everybody welcome back.

Now we have aligned our energies, and we have aligned ourselves to the Light.

(Note: Very powerful singing that reverberated throughout the room and got stronger as it continued with some noting after they had seen auric colors and/or visions during it. The transcriber could personally visualize/hear objects and metals seemingly resonate, further elevating the depth of the note)

[Workshop formally begins with Cobra first answering some questions]

***Q&A pt.1***

Q: Would belly breathing, for fitness, health, and psychological purposes—as well as techniques of visualizing breathing light into wounds to heal them— would these and/or similar exercises be something you would recommend people to practice.

C: The short answer is yes.

Q: Has the discovery of other universes changed anything regarding the timeline? C: Very little.

Q: Do parallel (physical) timeline exist?

C: Not exactly; they can be accessed and experienced through dream states.

Q: Have you been to Colombia before?

C: This is my first time here.

[Cobra then gives a brief explanation of what Tachyons are and talks about the main crystal space-station which creates wormholes for tachyons to reach Tachyon Chambers on the surface of the Earth.

We then have a break to all gather around Tachyon products Cobra brought which were available for purchase.

First table: Goddess jewelry collections.

Second table: Regular, Agarthan, and Tachyonized Cintamani

Final table: Galactic Cintamani, Lyra tektite, Anavor (?) crystals, Tibetan tektite, and ATVOR crystals.

After everyone is done looking/buying, we then take our seats again and realign our energies using the ATVOR technique protocol.

Once completed, Cobra then re-iterates to not use technology while within the room and re-states the contents of the non-disclosure agreement.

Cobra then says he will answer a few more questions]

***Q&A pt.2***

Q: Will there continue to be more delays until the final liberation?

C: There have already been so many delays. I don't see there being a lot more.

Q: Can we get an update about the network situation in Africa?

C: There has been a slow and gradual improvement, but it is continuing to improve and providing much needed healing and relief.

[Brief question about the financial system reset] C: It will be at the moment of the event.

Q: There is a prophecy about the Condor and the Eagle. Does Colombia have anything to do with this prophecy’s fulfillment?

C: Yes, along with other South American countries. ***Planetary information***

C: The planetary Dragon leyline is finally being activated in the Americas. Beginning first in Argentina, it passes through the mountain ranges of Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Guatemala, Mexico, and finally the United States.

It is one of the most important planetary ley lines that is beginning to be activated to drive forward the energies of New Atlantis, and along it there are extensive underground tunnels that were built during the time of Atlantis. These tunnels have various exit points to the surface, such as Mount Shasta in California, Cueva de los Tayos in Ecuador, and the Muzo mine in Colombia.

The Muzo tribe is an old Colombian race who kept this secret for thousands of years and were the guardians of this territory, or exit point. The Spanish Conquistadors searched for it but were never able to find it.

There are still some from the Muzo tribe who survived and know about this secret. Energy work must be done to heal and activate that point.

As the planetary Dragon leyline activates that and other entrances are also being activated simultaneously in South America, such as Tiahuanaco in Bolivia, and Titicaca between Peru and Bolivia.

That is why this workshop is being held in Bogotá, Colombia and is important because the Muzo is a key part of that Dragon energy line, and also because of some very important stones found there.

There are three main stones in Colombia important for ascension:

1. The first stone is Euclase. It is blue and looks like topaz but is not, and is often confused for aquamarine. Local miners may know about it.

It is a very powerful stone for ascension and is very rare. I did not bring any with me today because it is very expensive. Euclase in Colombia is found in emerald-bearing veins.

2. The other stone that is important is Colombian Tektites, or Colombianites.

It is a very powerful stone from the Sirius star system, similar to Cintamani, but has a much softer energy and brings Goddess energy. Before the arrival of the Spanish, it was known as “Piedra de Rayo” (Stone of Lightning) and the native tribes had a very strong connection to Goddess energies which kept it active.

3 . [Cobra left this blank for now. Disclosed in the second part of the workshop.]

When the Spaniards invaded, they did so on the orders of the Jesuits to destroy and suppress Goddess energies and vortices. The Jesuits knew the power of these Goddess energies and had churches built on every vortex to destroy them.

You may have noticed in all the best places in Colombia there is a church, which suppresses Goddess energy.

Now Light Forces are asking people to do energy work to reverse this situation; this work consists of burying Colombian Tektite in those vortexes because the energy of the tektite neutralizes the dark and brings back Goddess energy.

Another thing they are asking is for people from Colombia to meet in person as a group every week to meditate and clear energies that accumulated in those areas to bring back Goddess energies by using the Violet Flame to purify those locations.

Colombia has had much conflict due to the lack of that energy and the way to fix that is by planting Colombianites to attract and to re-anchor Goddess's energy through meditation.

We will now form one or more groups here to meet once a week to clear those energies. [Discussion and votes for which day to meet and at what time is then held and agreed upon]

C: You will need to be very dedicated as there is often a lot of enthusiasm at the beginning with these kinds of things before participation gradually decreases over time.

Q: Do you know a place in Panama where this could be done as well.

C: Yes, but it is very dangerous, is a place called El tapon del Darien

[Cobra then asks those from Colombia, but not in Bogata, if they would like to form a group so that they could network with each other. This is also discussed and formed in the same manner as before.

Finally, he says he will answer some questions and after a break he will talk about the final special stone: Emeralds]

***Q&A pt.3***

Q: Will the Resistance Movement help us plant the Colombianites?

C: You will have to do it yourselfs, they are not on the surface.

Q: Can we place it by the churches or do we have to bury it?

C: You have to bury it.

[Question about special rocks in Pacific and indigenous people who used it] C: I would need to see them first.

Q: Can we do the meditations to heal the vortexes without being present?

C: It would not have a powerful enough effect on the physical plane. We need to heal physical through physical.

(Break before continuing by first breathing in white light to re-align ourselves)

***Q&A pt. 4***

Q:Do people still live in the underground tunnels of the Dragon leyline?

C: When the Atlantians evacuated from the surface after the invasion 25,000 years ago, they created a network of cities and tunnels which partially connected with the Agarthan network.

Some people still live in these cities while others were deserted.

Q: What is the importance of Monserrate (a mountain with a church on it) C: It is a very powerful ascension vortex which was suppressed.

Q: Is Lake Guatavita, one of the sacred places for the indigenous leaders, also another important place?

Cobra: Yes, Lake Guatavita is a Goddess vortex.

[Questions about different types of tektites and stones.]

C: All are going to be important to stabilize the transition. The more vortices that are activated the more harmonious the transition will be.

Q: Will there be a moment before the event when people will begin to become aware of all the lies and manipulation?

C: It will be at the moment of the event. Before then, there will be very little recognition.

Q:Are there techniques we could do that would work to healing blindness and other similar conditions]

C: This is not so easy. I would say miracles can happen but it is very rare. At the moment of the event new healing technologies will be given to the surface society.

[Question about the solar flash]

C: I have already given answers about the solar flash on my blog which you can read about. A spanish translation exists which someone in the room has who can share.

Q: What will happen with the remaining Dark forces after the event?

C: They will be watched over and guided to correct their past choices and mistakes.

 Q: Would you suggest that the users of the Starseeds land app begin to organize their own group meditations?

C: Yes

Q: Will there be any possibility of physical contact by light beings before the event. C: You might have inner guidance, you might be contacted but it is not clear. [Short and unheard question and answer about the situation in Colombia]

Q: Could the Dark forces start a WW3?

C: The Light Forces are averting whatever attempts they try.

Q: How will we know when the event begins?

C: It will be extremely obvious.


C: Emeralds are the third and most important stone for Colombia. They can be farmed from other locations but the ones from Colombia hold the highest frequency of all of them. These stones have many different functions that are becoming important now.

Before it was simply not time but now it is time to activate them for very special missions. I will now speak about the hidden secrets of emeralds.

***Emerald secrets***

C: Emerald stones are becoming important for the planetary liberation process. Emeralds are also found in other locations around the world, but Emeralds from Colombia have the highest vibrational frequency of them all. Emerald is a stone that has many different functions and some of them are quite important for the time we are now in and for the process of planetary liberation.

Before it was not the optimal time to disclose anything about the Emeralds. But now the time has arrived. And the Emerald stones are going to be activated for a very special mission.

Secrets of the Emeralds were hidden from humanity for a very long time. And of those that were known to the Dark Force, they were using them against humanity. But now it is time for the people of the Light to use the Emerald energy for the good of humanity and for the liberation of the planet.

Cobra then discussed 3 most important functions of the Emeralds:

1. Emerald serves as a portal to the Underground Kingdom Agartha. The Emerald stones can be used as a portal through which you can access the energy of Agartha — the energy of the underground Kingdom. Connecting with the Agartha through Emeralds is more powerful than just connecting with your mind or through meditation. The purer the Emerald is, the more powerful the connection is. Natural, raw, and untreated emerald crystals are more powerful than cosmetically treated Emeralds. However, any shape, grade, size Emerald can be good to connect with and will also be quite powerful. Simple and regular grade and budget-friendly Emerald stones can be purchased here in Bogota. Before this day, this information was hidden because the time was not right for people to start connecting with Agartha more directly like this.

2. Emeralds can be used to connect with Goddess energy. The green color opens the heart chakra. Putting on the heart and breathing can begin to heal the physical and energetic body systems.

People who wear it very close to the heart will begin to first experience balance/harmonization in their immune system. Simple emerald stones do not cost much and you can put it in a pendant over the heart and that emerald will begin to balance the whole energy field.

Another function is that it connects us to the Paradise that was lost. This can also be accessed by putting it on the heart field.

There is a legend of the Muzo tribe that emeralds are tears of the planet’s wife who lost her connection to the energy of paradise with them seeing it as the frozen energy of that paradise.

For this reason, it is very good to connect to Agartha which is closest to the lost paradise of Atlantis.

3. The third and final secret of emeralds known to Dark forces, also known to black nobility, white nobility, and occultists is that it can be used as a portal to access hidden knowledge.

This is why the Dark forces didn't want emeralds to come into the hands of regular people and thus wanted to control all stones. They cut stones because that causes them to lose power. Almost all stones (on the surface) were cut into smaller pieces and lost a lot of power.

 ***Emerald Tablets***

C: The Emerald Tablets come from the time of Atlantis from an Atlantean priest known as Thoth, Hermes, or Tehuti who wrote in simple language to teach manifestation and spirituality.

The most important key is "As above, So Below" (Chapter 11; The Key to Above and Below), meaning whatever happens on the higher plane tends to manifest on the physical. This was the main secret of the Emerald Tablets, to visualize or feel with the mind as a tool to manifest in the physical.

***Secret of tablets***

C: Later in history, people were creating smaller emerald tablets for different purposes.

They used them to connect with the green color and with different places producing emeralds for thousands of years.

The Muzo mine being the most important, along with the Chivor and Coscuez mine.

C: The Indigenous people were mining emeralds but it is not the same as today because they regarded emeralds as sacred stones and used it to connect to Paradise.

Spanish conquistadors took control of the other mines but had trouble taking control of the Muzo mine because the Muzo people were the most brave and had occult knowledge which caused it to take a lot of time and many losses before the Conquistadors could take control.

Once they did though, they began to use the mines and sent many of the best emerald stones to be taken to Spain. The Spanish were involved a lot in trading with emeralds because they wanted gold. This was around the 16th-17th century.

Their main trading partner at the time was the Mughal empire in India who was buying most of the emerald stones in those days. The best emeralds ever mined all went to India. There were a few emperors/rulers in Mughal that had connections with Galactic energies.

(names Akbar and another who could not be heard clearly)

-who liked it so much because it strengthened the connection in meditation.

Paradise was green for this Muslim dynasty, with the emerald being called the "Stone of Paradise" by Indian Muhgal emperors.The rulers of this time would order gems to be cut in order to create smaller emerald tablets with the verse of Throne from the Quran inscribed which created a powerful energy that describes the power of the Gods, or Source. It was their most powerful protection against the darkness. This is why the Muhgul empire was the most successful empire for many hundreds of years.

C: Another aspect of emeralds is that it brings abundance. One of the richest empires in human history was the Muhgul empire. This is also why from the 15-16th century, Spain wanted to conquer South America, because they could use emeralds to manifest these energies. It is also why they were able to rule half the world from the 16th to part of the 17th century. They drew power from emeralds with some knowing this secret and with the black nobility using emeralds to rule the planet.

There were some kings or rulers who also knew this secret and were using emeralds consciously. This is why they put emeralds in their thrones or scepters.

One of the reasons the Persian Empire was so powerful in 18th century was because they stole all the Emeralds from the Mughal empire.

Some of those Emeralds came into English hands in the 19th century. This was the expansion plan for the British Empire. Having Emeralds exploited then taken away was also the reason why Colombia had not been doing so well economically. Most of the best Colombian Emeralds went out of the country.

People in Colombia need to know that Emeralds as a stone can bring power to Columbia. This information has been concealed until recently because Dark Forces wanted to keep it suppressed. However, the time has come for it to be revealed. Emeralds are one of the most powerful stones that exist on the planet. Now is also the time for people of the Light to consciously start working with the Emeralds.

Bogota serves as the global hub for the emerald trade, so a huge energy potential is here. For those interested in tapping into the energy of Emeralds, Bogota is home to an Emerald Museum. If you haven't visited yet, it's highly recommended to explore this museum.

***Q&A pt. 5***

Q: What is the link between the New Atlantis and Agartha Kingdom? Are they the same?

Cobra: Same. The Agartha Kingdom is activating the New Atlantis. The Agatha Kingdom is the one that is activated in New Atlantis. Because the core of the Agartha Network has remained the same since the time of Old Atlantis in that it has been holding the energy of the Old Atlantis for the whole planet for 25,000 years now.

Cobra noted that in the future we can access the Agartha Kingdom, right now the access is only limited to connect with Emeralds through meditation.

Q: You said clear stones are best, but then you also said natural is too. So which one would be better?

C: The rough natural state is the most powerful, so clear milky. Try to get non-polished crystals as polishing decreases their power. You can use your own inner guidance to figure out which is the best choice.

Q: Where are the Emerald Tablets of Thoth now? C: I would say in a safe location.

Q: Do Pleiadians come to visit rulers such as Gustavo Petro, Putin, Chinese and African presidents/rulers?

C: They have visited some individuals in the Russian and Chinese military and have made phone calls to the Chinese president. About the others, I do not know.

Q: Is there anything that we can, or should do about Lemuria?

C: This is not activated yet, so it is just not possible. We will have to wait.

Q: Is there a connection between gold and Emeralds? And does that have anything to do with legends of El Dorado here in Colombia?

Cobra: In the Old Atlantis, gold was used as a metal to bring the energy of the Light and the energy of the Sun. And a lot of that gold is hidden in the underground tunnels and in Colombia. Some of the indigenous tribes had access to some of that gold. But this shall never be revealed to the surface humanity until they learn to be in harmony. Much of that gold that was first used in Old Atlantis, the indigenous tribes used it for a similar purpose. they used it to connect to the spiritual energy, and the energy of the Sun, and the energy of the Atma Soul. And then the Spanish people came and took most of the gold that was gathered by the indigenous people. Thus many of the precious old artifacts were melted. The Jesuits gave orders to the Spanish conquistadores to melt that gold. Then the Spanish Black Nobility was using that gold, also to bring power to the Spanish. Then the Spanish Black Nobility was using that gold also to bring power to the Spanish Empire.

So Emeralds and gold can be used for similar purposes. Emeralds, of course, are much more powerful, but gold can be used in a similar way. We can also visit the Gold Museum in Bogota, Colombia.

[Question about the intention of Saint Germaine as one of his previous incarnations as the explorer Christopher Columbus]

C: His mission during this incarnation was to connect the world. The Spanish Jesuits then misused this a lot.

[Question about a legend of an emerald city existing in the north pole and it being related to a certain saint]

C: This is all based on legend. It does not exist.

Q: What role indigenous people and their history will play in the ascension process?

C: It is very important. They had long traditions that date back to Atlantis. Of course, this was later distorted to a degree but it is good to dig as there is much to discover.

Q: We are in the process of evolving in 3D to 5D, but what about the process through 4D? How will that occur?

C: Okay, it is not that simple. All dimensions are transforming simultaneously. The real ascension process will only begin after the event, the Dark Forces have to be removed first.

Q: Is it going to be long until then?

C: I hope not!


Q: Have different starseeds incarnated as different star races before coming here to earth. Has this happened before?

C: Yes

Q: Recently, there has been an increasing number of UFO sightings. Is this something that will continue to increase?

C: This will gradually increase. It is time for them to begin showing themselves more naturally as safely as they can.

[Questioner stating they understand Tachyons are all around and can access by channeling directly into the body and if this is possible and/or correct]

C: The Dark forces have blocked most Tachyons from reaching the surface through their veil technology by charging the ionosphere. It is called HAARP.

Some individuals can have direct access to Tachyons but it is very rare through one's own channel. It is not common even among spiritual people.

[Questions about certain spiritual technologies that say they can channel Tachyons

C: Most of them, like a company in Arizona which sells reclining chairs, are fake

Q: Will Zimbabwe dollars be used as part of the financial reset plan.

C: Zimbabwe dollars are worth nothing (takes a random piece of paper and shows it to the room), they are worth about this much.


Q: How can we tell groups who say they have a role to play at time of event are real?

C: Very few of them are real or will provide assistance. You will have to use your own inner guidance to figure out the real ones.

Q: If things become very difficult and bad, will there be an evacuation of the surface population? C: The evacuation is scheduled at the moment of the pole shift.

Q: Any suggestions on how to overcome the wait for the event.

C: Yes, don't wait. Start making it happen in your own life.

Q: Do you know about a Chinese company selling nylon slippers with cameras inside them?

C: I have not heard of this.

Q:Is the spaceship which will evacuate the surface called the New Atlantis? Or the Sananda?

C: Okay, there will not be just one ship. There will be a whole fleet of them; millions upon millions.

***Forgiveness Protocol***

C: We will now practice a tool which greatly helps in clearing past karma and energy blockages known as the Forgiveness Protocol which uses the Violet flame that was given to us by Saint Germain. This mantra should be done three times and used as much as possible and whenever a conflict is arising. It is very good for releasing those conflicts and blockages.

We will begin now:

I Decree and I Command

to release all conflicts I have

with myself,

with my parents,

with my child (if you have one),

with my partner (if you have one),

with my friends,

with Lightworkers,

And with all other people

I decide forgiveness

(repeat a total of 3


Next, visualize the Violet Flame coming from the sky and descending down through your body anti-clockwise and into the earth.

Release all conflicts and past karma to it.

Just let it all go.

***Technical announcement & final part of workshop***

C: If anyone is using Lufhtansa Airline, I would strongly suggest avoiding them... because they lost my luggage.


[Explanation: Cobra intended to bring to us a new meditation using emeralds which we would later be able to buy along with Colombian tektites but was lost for a time because of the laziness of some airline workers. He would go on to get them back the next day which was when the meditation was rescheduled (but needless to say the situation was not the most ideal).

Cobra then says this marks the end of the workshop (with the exception of the meditation the next day) and asks us to give our thanks to the organizer, and then to the translator, which we do. Afterwards, we give our sincere thanks to Cobra for sharing his time, energy, patience, and love with us.]

Cobra: Victory of the Light.

Everyone: Victory of the Light!

***Emerald Meditation*** (Next day)

Note: Cobra gave each of us an emerald to use for this meditation and told us that the emeralds act as portals to Agartha.

Close your eyes.

Inhale white light and exhale. Hold your emerald in your hand and feel its energy.

Slightly open your eyes and look at your emerald.

Close your eyes again and feel the emerald expand and grow larger and larger.

The emerald keeps growing; you can see its walls and identify some ancient hieroglyphs.

The emerald is much larger than you, and you can see a green door on it.

Look at the door and go through it.

Beyond the door, there are green stairs leading downward, and you start descending as a pink light envelops and accompanies you.

Continue down the stairs and arrive at a beautiful lake full of emeralds.

Enter the emerald lake and begin to feel the water healing you.

Cross through the emerald lake and see beings on the other side.

They welcome you.

Exit on the other side of the lake and greet them.

Feel that healing energy and how these beings have a special message for you.

Give you a moment to feel and receive the message

You can share and feel that powerful energy of paradise and stay there for a few minutes.

Then, you say goodbye to them and re-enter the emerald lake.

Feel how the lake allows you to integrate this gift and the new energy given to you by the beings of Agartha.

Reach the other side of the lake and start climbing the stairs back.

Continue ascending until you reach the door again and exit the emerald.

Give thanks and feel again how the emerald returns to its original size.

Inhale and exhale, and you can open your eyes again.

Cobra told us that we can use this meditation regularly to travel to Agartha and that the entrance we visualize is the entrance to the kingdom of Agartha located in Muzo.

Victory Of The Light!

The Cosmic Boundary [Level 1]

The Cosmic Boundary is a reference to the unexplored and unseen border the majority of humanity has found itself on the cusp of, both a physical, and a spiritual nature.

Therefor site is dedicated to the free-sharing information of positive, realistic, and liberating nature. It is suggested the reader view only that which is tagged for their appropriate level (end of post).

In addition, author does NOT suggest the reader take this information at face value. In fact, it is suggested the reader do further research themselves using critical observation, empirical analysis, intuitive reasoning, and common sense (ie. Does the information "feel" like it may be possible to you? To what degree? If so, what should you do about it?)

It IS suggested however that if you, the reader, are easy to upset and/or trigger (i.e often feeling the need to debate and argue on any topic which does not fit into your immediate worldview) then it's best to click away as this site is likely not meant for you. You will most likely not be in a psychologically sound place to study this material, let alone internalize the information there-within.

This same warning goes for those who think this is:

A.) Conspiracy theory

B.) A well-constructed delusion/roleplay

or C.) The very dis-ingenuous information (information given with malicious and/or ulterior intent) this site is revealing and ultimately exposing.

It is also important for the reader (especially native English-speakers) to understand that they may have been subject to multiple layers of mental and social programming themselves.

In fact, the term "programming" itself is a sort of hidden trigger meant to steer the subject into a mental space where the subject:

1.) Becomes more easily emotionally charged and auto-reject any words or ideas that even suggest the possibility they may have been manipulated (oftentimes for their own perceived mental sanity) even if they aren't wholly consciously aware of that impulse.

2.) Is placed into a binary mental state of fight or flight to discourage further researching and potential de-programming.

3.) Is triggered into the belief that they will be socially, psychologically, financially "unaccepted/unviable" if they even entertain the idea they or those they know have been manipulated and lied to.

And 4.) Causes the subject to feel that even if they consider the possibility true (that they have been programmed and manipulated), there's nothing they can do about it and so they shouldn't put effort into trying to uncover what happened and waste their energy further (both of which are most certainly not the case).

Thus I once more caution that if you believe or feel you fit in some or most of these categories, the information on this site may not be something which would positively benefit you at this point time. The writer does not wish to cause unneeded distress by revealing information for those who are not yet capable or ready to process this knowledge.

It is highly suggested those who qualify for those category only read level 0 topics and maybe level 1 sparingly.

So without further ado, let's explore this cosmic boundary to find peace, joy, and freedom together.


Level 0:

Purely casual, niche, and/or "acceptable" topics with the intent of improving physical, mental, and (if you are open to the idea) spiritual health and ability.

Level 1:

Information which is relatively straight-forward, basic, and simple for the majority of readers to research and digest.

Level 2:

This level of information may upset or trigger the average viewer who has not been exposed to concepts of its nature. This category includes information which could be regarded as "occultic" and may induce depression for those who do not have stable levels of mental fortitude.

Level 3:

This category covers topics which some may regard as exaggerated conspiracy or outright mental fantasy. While these may include the darker aspects of our reality, there likely will also be positive aspects which balance out the very difficult and hard information.

Conscious manners on Bio-electricity

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