Monday, May 13, 2024

The Cosmic Boundary [Level 1]

The Cosmic Boundary is a reference to the unexplored and unseen border the majority of humanity has found itself on the cusp of, both a physical, and a spiritual nature.

Therefor site is dedicated to the free-sharing information of positive, realistic, and liberating nature. It is suggested the reader view only that which is tagged for their appropriate level (end of post).

In addition, author does NOT suggest the reader take this information at face value. In fact, it is suggested the reader do further research themselves using critical observation, empirical analysis, intuitive reasoning, and common sense (ie. Does the information "feel" like it may be possible to you? To what degree? If so, what should you do about it?)

It IS suggested however that if you, the reader, are easy to upset and/or trigger (i.e often feeling the need to debate and argue on any topic which does not fit into your immediate worldview) then it's best to click away as this site is likely not meant for you. You will most likely not be in a psychologically sound place to study this material, let alone internalize the information there-within.

This same warning goes for those who think this is:

A.) Conspiracy theory

B.) A well-constructed delusion/roleplay

or C.) The very dis-ingenuous information (information given with malicious and/or ulterior intent) this site is revealing and ultimately exposing.

It is also important for the reader (especially native English-speakers) to understand that they may have been subject to multiple layers of mental and social programming themselves.

In fact, the term "programming" itself is a sort of hidden trigger meant to steer the subject into a mental space where the subject:

1.) Becomes more easily emotionally charged and auto-reject any words or ideas that even suggest the possibility they may have been manipulated (oftentimes for their own perceived mental sanity) even if they aren't wholly consciously aware of that impulse.

2.) Is placed into a binary mental state of fight or flight to discourage further researching and potential de-programming.

3.) Is triggered into the belief that they will be socially, psychologically, financially "unaccepted/unviable" if they even entertain the idea they or those they know have been manipulated and lied to.

And 4.) Causes the subject to feel that even if they consider the possibility true (that they have been programmed and manipulated), there's nothing they can do about it and so they shouldn't put effort into trying to uncover what happened and waste their energy further (both of which are most certainly not the case).

Thus I once more caution that if you believe or feel you fit in some or most of these categories, the information on this site may not be something which would positively benefit you at this point time. The writer does not wish to cause unneeded distress by revealing information for those who are not yet capable or ready to process this knowledge.

It is highly suggested those who qualify for those category only read level 0 topics and maybe level 1 sparingly.

So without further ado, let's explore this cosmic boundary to find peace, joy, and freedom together.


Level 0:

Purely casual, niche, and/or "acceptable" topics with the intent of improving physical, mental, and (if you are open to the idea) spiritual health and ability.

Level 1:

Information which is relatively straight-forward, basic, and simple for the majority of readers to research and digest.

Level 2:

This level of information may upset or trigger the average viewer who has not been exposed to concepts of its nature. This category includes information which could be regarded as "occultic" and may induce depression for those who do not have stable levels of mental fortitude.

Level 3:

This category covers topics which some may regard as exaggerated conspiracy or outright mental fantasy. While these may include the darker aspects of our reality, there likely will also be positive aspects which balance out the very difficult and hard information.

1 comment:

  1. He feels like a cheese sandwich.

    There is no cheese in the fridge.

    He looks in the mirror.
    He looks like a cheese sandwich.

    There is no cheese in the fridge.

    Very carefully he unfixes
    The mirror from the wall,
    And climbs into the fridge with it.


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[Disclaimer: The following is not a substitute for chronic or immediate issues requiring expert medical intervention. Consult a professional...